Eyelid & Periocular Treatments

Eyelid and periocular conditions that we treat:
Benign Eyelid and periocular cysts, and ‘lumps and bumps’
Eyelid and periocular skin cancer excision and reconstruction surgery
‘Hooded’ or ‘Sagging’ of upper eyelids
Upper eyelid ptosis (blepharoptosis) refers to drooping of the eyelid. This is most commonly caused by the disinsertion of the levator muscle in the upper eyelid. Depending to the cause and the nature of the upper eyelid ptosis, your surgeon will advise you on the appropriate surgical treatment. The success rate of ptosis correction (when the levator muscle is of good strength) is high. However, when levator muscle is very weak, a procedure known as the brow/frontalis suspension may be required. Your surgeon will advise you on the type of ptosis repair surgery that you require.Redundant upper eyelid skin with or without the presence of bulging eyelid fat occurs due to normal ageing. In some individuals, the vision can be affected when there is excess hooding of the upper eyelid skin. Upper eyelid blepharoplasty is carried out to reduce the excess skin +/- fat. Your surgeon will tailor the surgery to your case. This surgery is also frequently performed to improve the aesthetic appearance of the upper eyelids.
Lower eyelid ‘bags’ and ‘puffiness’
Bulgy lower eyelid fat occurs with normal ageing. It frequently results in the appearance of tiredness. Cosmetic lower eyelid blepharoplasty is performed to restore a more youthful appearance. The surgery is tailored to each individual.Eyelid malposition: Ectropion (out-turning of eyelid); Entropion (in-turning of eyelid)
Eyelid malposition can frequently result in ocular discomfort, gritty sensation, a red eye and a watery eye. This condition can be surgically corrected. Surgery is performed under local anaesthesia as a day procedure.Eyelash misdirection (‘In-turning’ of the eyelash)
Meet Our Specialist:
Ms. We Fong Siah combines advanced surgical techniques with a compassionate approach to deliver outstanding results.
Ms. We Fong Siah
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon